Terminology to familiarise before starting.

Each Space can have many Pages. Apps are added to a Page from the App Store. Spaces and Pages can be renamed or deleted by the Space Administrator. Name of the current Space (Welcome by UnifiedVU) is shown to the left of the header. When clicked, it will display a list of Spaces you have access to.
Each Space can have many Pages. Apps are added to a Page from the App Store. Pages can be renamed or deleted by the Space Administrator. Pages appear just below Space name on the header. Space Administrator can click + to add a new page.
Apps are added to Pages from the App Store. Each App connects with a software application, website or a database. Apps can listen and respond to other Apps on a Page based on User activity.
Users with Space Administrator rights can access the App Store and add Apps to Pages on an existing or newly created Space.

Each App has menu options, shown on the right hand side of each App (three vertical dots). Options vary from App to App. Space Administrator would have greater options than a User. Options may include: Reload, Remove, Built by UnifiedVU, Support, Remove Credentials, etc.

Only registered Users can login to UnifiedVU. As a User, you can access public or shared Spaces. Only Users with Space Administrator rights can create, update or delete a Space.

Space Administrators can create Spaces, edit or delete Spaces they have created. They can also share Spaces with colleagues. Select the wheel below the top left header to edit settings.

During trialling, you can access a public Live Demo Account (login with [email protected] email) or a 14-day Trial Account of your own (login with your email).

Demo Account is connected to demo data of software accounts (e.g. Salesforce, Xero, Zendesk, etc) we manage. As the Demo Account is public, please do not login or authenticate Apps to your own software until you get your own Trial Account.

Trial Accounts are also connected to demo data, but you can sync these to your own software at any time. To start connecting to your own software, choose the Pages on this Welcome Space starting with Sync, e.g. Sync Sales Apps.

When you are ready to subscribe, visit Subscriptions Page to enter your credit card details.

If you are an employee of a UnifiedVU Customer, you might be invited into a particular Space already setup with Pages.

Apps on these Pages might already be connected to your software. Please contact the person responsible or contact us if in doubt.

A number of Spaces have been included as Templates for you to trial. Click on the header to see the list. Once subscribed, you can either use these or create your own Spaces.