SageOne ain’t Xero, but we are excited about the road ahead

We recently signed a developer partnership agreement with Sage, UK’s largest pure tech company (that’s right, original tech was all about software products before the term got hijacked by any business who used tech for competitive advantage). Sage was ridiculed by early adopters of tech and bloggers when they tried to build a cloud product and[…]

software is eating the world

Software is eating the world – how do you make sense of your software world?

As Marc Andreessen famously said, “software is eating the world”. There is hardly any business left that does not use software to operate and grow. As the cost of software development drops thanks largely to technology advances, the market has seen a flood of new software applications enter. This has transpired into businesses and organisations[…]

customer success association

UnifiedVU and the Customer Success Association by Mikael Blaisdell

In the past few weeks, I highlight the efforts by individuals to bring similar vendors and technologies together, first Customer Data Platform (CDP) Institue by David Raab and Master Data Management (MDM) Institute by Aaron Zornes. Today, I like to introduce you to Customer Success (CS) Association by Mikael Blaisdell. As Mikael mentions, “We are about helping you retain[…]

How to choose a category to compete in a world exploding with business software

As any Marketer knows, positioning products and solutions is vital to the eventual success of that product or service. In September, we explored how UnifiedVU fits in with some of the existing software categories, mainly Dashboards, Business Intelligence, Integrations and User Experience Platforms.   Homing into a software category we can fit in Early this month,[…]

Oracle Manchester

Single Customer View and Oracle Cloud Day Manchester

I had the privilege to attend the Oracle Cloud Day in Manchester on 8th November 2016, which was attended by about 150 Oracle staff, customers, prospects and partners. Whilst it covered many themes, the core theme was the introduction of Oracle Cloud and why customers should consider migration from on-premise deployments.     Richard Noble,[…]

SINGLE CUSTOMER VIEW 2.0 – The holy grail #SingleCustomerView #SCV #UnifiedVU

The holy grail of bringing your sales, marketing, finance, support, projects and external data into one screen with functionality The concept of Single Customer View (SCV) is nothing new. In the past, the attempts focused on creating a Master Data Record. Hence the birth of Master Data Management (MDM) solutions and with the popularity of[…]

Long live the Master Data Management #MDM

Prior to UnifiedVU, the Single Customer View was very much restricted to Master Data Management (MDM) solutions. According to Wikipedia, In business, MDM comprises the processes, governance, policies, standards and tools that consistently define and manage the critical data of an organisation to provide a single point of reference. A MDM tool can be used to support master data management[…]

Launch of Customer Data Platform Institute by David Raab to bring attention to #SingleCustomerView

David Raab of Raab Associates has launched Customer Data Platform (CDP) Institute to highlight the importance of Single Customer View (SCV), as new entrants continue to enter Marketing Technology (MarTech) segment, creating further confusion among Marketers, as the number of solutions available at the disposal of the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) continue rise exponentially.    […]